Family Dental Care Logo

Professional Excellence

Your smile is our happiness

Family dentistry. We have all the specialties in the area of dentistry.

We accept your American insurance

Our mission and objective

Exclusive attention, providing the best service in our treatments, aimed at excellent results.
Always orienting you as a patient to have an oral health in excellent condition.
Maintaining a safe environment that guarantees the health of our patients, as well as the quality of our treatments.  

Our commitment to our patients.

Dra Arcelia Vea C.

Our Services

Preventive Dentistry

We provide excellent preventive care, including exams, cleanings and digital x-rays. Early detection of dental problems is essential to gain optimal oral health.

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a safe, durable replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants function like natural teeth and have a very natural appearance within your mouth.

Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have ever found yourself hiding your smile, avoiding photos, or covering your mouth because you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, it may be time to consider our cosmetic smile solutions.


Periodontics involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss.


Orthodontic treatment is used to treat all types of patients, from adults to young teens. It is used to realign the teeth into a more natural position. It is also used to straighten teeth in order to correct any imbalance in the bite.

Pediatric Dentistry

As a parent, we know you would rather prevent a dental problem for your children than treat one. We offer several types of treatment designed to keep your children’s teeth and gums healthy and disease-free.

Root Canal Treatment

An endodontic treatment saves a severely injured, cracked, or decayed tooth when its pulp becomes inflamed or infected. If it is not treated promptly, pain or a tooth abscess results. Endodontic treatment is also known as a "root canal."


Dentures are custom-crafted to fit your mouth and your specific tooth replacement needs. They provide a cosmetic and functional replacement solution for tooth loss.

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